Chapter 6 – Equity and social cohesion

6.5 Useful Resources

Toolkit chapters

Useful Resources

  • Ashden’s Learning Out Loud platform: Green Communities resources.
  • Climate Just is a free webtool for public service providers designed to: identify who is vulnerable to climate change and fuel poverty and why; highlight neighbourhoods where climate disadvantage is highest; and explain the factors involved and what actions need to be taken.
  • Public Health England review on improving access to green space.
  • HACT’s social value toolset to help housing providers, their suppliers and partners to understand and implement social value measurement and to use social value as a tool to inform decisions. Includes a tool to calculate the mental health impact of energy efficiency work.
  • Citizens Advice and Cornwall Council’s Local Authority Toolkit: Supporting Fuel Poor and Vulnerable Households. For use of local authorities, health and third sector partners to work together to reduce fuel poverty in their localities through energy efficiency initiatives.
  • The Thriving Places Index provides data on a range of quality of life outcomes. Local authority areas are rated and given an annual scorecard, presenting an overview of their performance against these outcomes – including community cohesion, place and environment, health, work and the local economy.
  • The Centre for Alternative Technology’s Zero Carbon Britain Resource Hub includes a wide variety of tools, reports, guidance, training, webinars etc on various themes related to local climate action.

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6.4 Examples

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