Chapter 5 – Resilience and adaptation

5.3 Links to statutory duties

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5.3 Links to statutory duties

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Emergency planning

The Civil Contingencies Act (CCA) 2004

This Act establishes a clear set of roles and responsibilities for those involved in emergency preparation and response at the local level and requires organisations including emergency services, local authorities and NHS bodies to prepare for adverse events and incidents. This would include responding to severe weather events such as flooding or heatwaves.

Health and wellbeing

Joint Strategic Needs Assessments

In England, local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups and other public sector partners are required to produce a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment to provide evidence on the health and wellbeing needs of their local community.

Energy bills

Home Energy Conservation Act (HECA)

The 1995 Home Energy Conservation act requires all of England’s local authorities to report on action to improve energy efficiency in all residential accommodation in their area and to report every 2 years to BEIS on progress in implementing improvements.


Health and Social Care Act 2012

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 introduced a new duty for all upper-tier and unitary local authorities in England to take appropriate steps to improve the health of the people who live in their areas.


Flood and Water Management Act 2010

In England, county councils and unitary authorities as Local Lead Flood Authorities (LLFAs) are required to lead in managing local flood risks. LLFA responsibilities include the preparation and maintenance of a strategy for local flood risk management, and a duty to cooperate with other Risk Management Authorities.

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