Chapter 1 – Context

1.7 Role of decision makers

Toolkit chapters

1.7 Role of decision makers

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Councils can play a leadership role in encouraging and supporting residents and businesses on health and wellbeing improvements.

Councils can work with different partners to encourage coordinated action. Organisations like the NHS and local community groups can be key partners in the delivery of fuel poverty and health improvement projects.

Councillors can explain the opportunities to improve health and prosperity e.g. by raising awareness on air quality mitigation and reduction.

Public health
Councils can use public health responsibilities and powers to support and encourage action to take actions on improving health and the environment.

Councils can use planning powers to improve access to green space and improve infrastructure for active travel modes.

Councils can signpost households and organisations to existing support, as necessary.

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Councils can play a leadership role in encouraging and supporting low carbon business.

Councils can work with different partners to encourage coordinated action. Organisations like LEPs, Further Education Colleges and Chambers of Commerce can be key partners in delivering initiatives to support the low carbon economy.

Councillors can explain the opportunities that the low carbon economy presents e.g. by raising awareness of growth in this sector and the sorts of skills needed to capitalise on opportunities.

Councils can use planning powers to create designated low carbon enterprise zones and provide the necessary infrastructure for low carbon growth, including electric vehicle charging points.

Combined authorities can use their devolved powers in relation to skills to focus on providing the training and upskilling needed by a low carbon economy

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Councils can ensure that emergency plans, community risk registers and associated risk assessments take into account the impacts of climate change. 

Councils can facilitate collective, coordinated action by a range of organisations including emergency services, the electricity distribution network operator and community groups. 

Councils can raise awareness amongst the communities they serve about the risks posed by climate change and advocating for their community in seeking to build resilience to those risks.  

Councils can use planning powers to reduce car use and increase green spaces, ensure provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and homes that can be fitted with heat pumps in the future. 

Councils can signpost vulnerable households to existing support, as necessary 

Local authorities can work in partnership with others to ensure that training opportunities are provided to those with a history of working in carbon intensive industries are not left behind in the transition.

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Councils have an important leadership role in addressing equity and social cohesion through environmental activity. 

Councils can work with different partners to to encourage coordinated action. Organisations like the fuel poverty organisations and local community groups can be key partners in the delivery of equity and social cohesion projects.

Councils can explain the opportunities to improve social outcomes e.g. by raising awareness on energy price discounts such as the Warm Homes Discount, lift sharing opportunities etc. 

Public health
Councils can use public health responsibilities and powers to support and encourage action to take actions on improving health and the environment for the most vulnerable in society. 

Councils can use planning powers to improve access to green space and improve infrastructure for active travel modes for the most vulnerable. 

Councils can signpost vulnerable households to existing support as necessary. 

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